Welcome 欢迎您 Kia Ora
19 September 2003 (NZ time)
As someone's request, I put up a photo page of Guangzhou and I will try to add more pictures of Guangzhou as I receive them from China in the next several days中国广州.
18 September 2003 (NZ time)
This category has just been put up. Right now it only has the page to learn how to say hello, but I will try to add more and more pages as soon as I get all my international friends as teachers who can make sure my pronunciations are correct.
(In Chinese)我会尽快的找到来自各国的老师,然后把更多和最精确的词语放到学学语言上来 : ) |
Details and forms for Uniguide
17 September 2003 (NZ time)
Please click on the right hand side buttom if you are interested in helping the new studnets next year if you are students of University of Auckland.
16 September 2003 (NZ time)
16 September 2003 (NZ time)
16 September 2003 (NZ time)
Hello everyone, the comments page is up, now you can leave your comments by either sending me an email or leaving them on the comments page, on the comments page you will also see the comments from the others : )!
Nancy's Profile 中文or In English
15 September 2003 (NZ time)
15 September 2003 (NZ time)
Photos under NZCSA have been updated again!
14 September 2003 (NZ time)
The stories will be updated soon one by one.
14 September 2003 (NZ time)
Click on the plants on the home page now and get your fresh flowers daily : )!
New Backgrouds Been Added
13 September 2003 (NZ time)
From now on, all the backgrouds pictures will appear randomly. Also the randomly chosen flower buttons are added.
13 September 2003 (NZ time)
12 September 2003 (NZ time)
12 September 2003 (NZ time)
11 September 2003 (NZ time)
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