Welcome 欢迎您 Kia Ora

Welcome to Nancy's website! I started building this website in August 2003. I want to share some of my stories and thoughts with you through this site. My goal is to design and build a website which is different from the others.

I will give you some hints for exploring the site: try to log in at different times of the day, and have you discovered the hidden secrets of the intro page? You can also discover my favourite classic jokes when the rabbits stop jumping ^.~!

Please enjoy your visit and you are welcome to give me any comments or feedback by simply clicking on the comments page : )!


我做这个网站,就是希望能够与大家分享我的一些好的或者是不好的经验和想法. 希望你在浏览这个网站以后,可以从中学习到一些好的经验和避免以后会重犯我的一些可笑的经验教训;我更希望能够与大家分享得到我的幸福故事与欢乐.



** NancyHu.com day time background starts from 7am to 9pm, night time background starts from 9pm to 7am, so the website will look different if you visit at different times. I designed and drew everything on this website, I hope you will like it .

Latest Updates 最近更新

我的新浪微博 I have a weibo account now
5 April 2012, 1:21am (NZ time)

29 March 2009, 2:29pm (NZ time)

9 March 2009, 1:14am (NZ time)
I am putting up photos from my recent family trip to Europe. We went to five different countries this time including Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Italy and France. Also there was a nice surprice that we went to a sixth unplanned country - Vatican City - the smallest country in the world but also a very fascinating one. We had a lot of fun and learned a lot!

17 March 2009, 12:44am (NZ time)

20 September 2004, 11:52pm (NZ time)
举行地点奥克兰Aotea Centre
Nancy与新西兰总理海伦克拉克Prime Minister Helen Clark合影留念

21 July 2004, 1:15am (NZ time)
Just thinking...

21 July 2004, 1:12am (NZ time)

1 July 2004, 10:38pm (NZ time)
These are some pictures of Auckland's city centre taken in June.
Waiheke Island 威哈奇岛

18 May 2004, 1:18am (NZ time)

8 March 2004, 11:48pm (NZ time)
我们的网站将会从原来的 www.nzcs.com 改名为www.nzcsa.com!

20 February 2004, 5:44pm (NZ time)
上海浦东 ShangHai Pudong Area

17 February 2004, 9:49pm (NZ time)

14 February 2004, 1:19pm (NZ time)

12 February 2004, 11:07pm (NZ time)

12 February 2004, 10:48pm (NZ time)
Nancy with Woman waiting to meet Hu Jintao

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